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Rose Collection Database

The Botanical Gardens of Silver Springs Rose Collection is the third largest collection of hardy roses in Canada.  There are over 100 unique hardy roses in the gardens, and over 400 roses within the gardens.  The Rose Bowl and Prairie Celebration Gardens are dedicated to roses.

The Rose Collection aims to preserve Canadian Bred Roses, with a particular focus on Prairie Heritage Roses.

Porter's Double Altai

Rosa spinosissima x 'Porter's Double Altai'

Mrs. John McNab

Rosa rugosa x 'Mrs. John McNab'

Indian Head

Rosa x 'Indian Head'


Rosa spinosissima x 'Kilwinning'


Rosa x 'Conestoga'


Rosa x 'Quadra'

Oso Easy Paprika

Rosa x 'Paprika'

Harison's Yellow

Rosa x 'Harison's Yellow'


Rosa x 'Waskasoo'

Oso Easy Strawberry Crush

Rosa x 'Strawberry Crush'

Oso Easy Peasy

Rosa x 'Easy Peasy'

Lac Majeau

Rosa rugosa x 'Lac Majeau'


Rosa x 'Polywon'

Nuits de Young

Rosa x 'Nuits de Young'


Rosa x 'Tuscany'

George Will

Rosa rugosa x 'George Will'

Rita Bugnet

Rosa rugosa x 'Rita Bugnet'

Betty Bugnet

Rosa rugosa x 'Betty Bugnet

Navy Lady

Rosa x 'Navy Lady'

Oso Easy Italian Ice

Rosa x 'Italian Ice'

Yukon Sun

Rosa x 'Yukon Sun'

Scarlet Ranger

Rosa x 'Scarlet Ranger'

Red Dawn x Suzanne

Rosa 'Red Dawn x Suzanne'

Pax Apollo

Rosa x 'Pax Apollo'


Rosa rugosa x 'Agnes'

Skinner's Red Leaf Perpetual

Rosa x 'Skinner's red leaf perpetual'


Rosa rugosa x 'Keewatin'

Louis Riel

Rosa x 'Louis Riel'

Prairie Sweetheart

Rosa x 'Prairie Sweetheart'

Prairie Wren

Rosa x 'Prairie Wren'


Rosa spinosissima x 'Haidee'

Yellow Altai

Rosa spinosissima var. 'Yellow Altai'

Prairie Youth

Rosa x 'Prairie Youth'

Louise Bugnet

Rosa rugosa x 'Louise Bugnet'

Scarlet Ranger

Rosa x 'Scarlet Ranger'

Will Alderman

Rosa x 'Will Alderman'


Rosa x 'Wilbur'


Rosa x 'Assiniboine'


Rosa x 'Riches'

Betty Bland

Rosa x 'Betty Bland'


Rosa x 'Empowerment'

Shrub Rose

Oso Easy Fragrant Spreader

Rosa x 'Fragrant Spreader'

Groundcover Shrub Rose

Hope for Humanity

Rosa x 'Hope for Humanity'

Compact, Upright, Shrub Rose

Oso Easy Hot Paprika

Rosa x 'Hot Paprika'

Small, Compact Shrub Rose

J.P. Connell

Rosa x 'J.P. Connell'

Upright Shrub Rose

John Franklin

Rosa x 'John Franklin'

Upright Shrub Rose

Lambert Closse

Rosa x 'Lambert Closse'

Upright Shrub Rose

Oso Easy Lemon Zest

Rosa x 'Lemon Zest'

Small, Mounded, Shrub Rose

Marmalade Dream

Rosa x 'Marmalade Dream'

Shrub Rose

Morden Amorette

Rosa x 'Morden Amorette'

Compact Shrub Rose

Morden Belle

Rosa x 'Morden Belle'

Compact, Shrub Rose

Morden Blush

Rosa x 'Morden Blush'

Compact Shrub Rose

Morden Cardinette

Rosa x 'Morden Cardinette'

Compact, Shrub Rose

Morden Centennial

Rosa x 'Morden Centennial'

Compact, Upright, Shrub Rose

Morden Fireglow

Rosa x 'Morden Fireglow'

Upright Shrub Rose

Morden Ruby

Rosa x 'Morden Ruby'

Shrub Rose

Morden Snowbeauty

Rosa x 'Morden Snowbeauty'

Shrub Rose

Morden Sunrise

Rosa x 'Morden Sunrise'

Upright Shrub Rose

Never Alone

Rosa x 'Never Alone'

Floribunda Rose


Rosa x 'Nicolas'

Compact Shrub Rose

Olds College

Rosa x 'Olds College'

Shrub Rose

Oscar Peterson

Rosa x 'Oscar Peterson'

Upright Shrub Rose

Peach Lemonade

Rosa x 'Peach Lemonade'

Shrub Rose

Oso Easy Peachy Cream

Rosa x 'Peachy Cream'

Shrub Rose

Pink Grootendorst

Rosa x 'Pink Grootendorst'

Shrub Rose


Rosa x 'Polarstar'

Shrub Rose

Prairie Celebration

Rosa x 'Prairie Celebration'

Upright Shrub Rose

Prairie Dawn

Rosa x 'Prairie Dawn'

Upright, Lax Shrub Rose

Prairie Joy

Rosa x 'Prairie Joy'

Upright Shrub Rose

Prairie Princess

Rosa x 'Prairie Princess'

Shrub Rose

Prairie Snowdrift

Rosa x 'Prairie Snowdrift'

Shrub Rose

Red Drift

Rosa x 'Red Drift'

Short, Compact Shrub Rose

Thérèse Bugnet

Rosa x 'Thérèse Bugnet'

Shrub Rose

Winnipeg Parks

Rosa x 'Winnipeg Parks'

Compact Shrub Rose

William Booth

Rosa kordesii x 'William Booth'

Climbing Shrub Rose


Rosa kordesii x 'Frontenac'

Upright Shrub Rose

George Vancouver

Rosa kordesii x 'George Vancouver'

Upright Shrub Rose

Henry Kelsey

Rosa kordesii x 'Henry Kelsey'

Short Climbing Shrub Rose

John Davis

Rosa kordesii x 'John Davis'

Climbing Shrub Rose


Rosa nitida x 'Métis'

Shrub Rose

Belle Poitevine

Rosa rugosa x 'Belle Poitevine'

Hybrid Rugosa Shrub Rose

Conrad Ferdinand Meyer

Rosa rugosa x 'Conrad Ferdinand Meyer'

Climbing Hybrid Rugosa Shrub Rose

David Thompson

Rosa rugosa x 'David Thompson'

Upright Shrub Rose

F.J. Grootendorst

Rosa rugosa x 'F.J. Grootendorst'

Upright Shrub Rose

Foxi Pavement

Rosa rugosa x 'Foxi Pavement'

Shrub Rose


Rosa rugosa x 'Hansa'

Hybrid Rugosa Shrub Rose

Henry Hudson

Rosa rugosa x 'Henry Hudson'

Short, Spreading Shrub Rose


Rosa rugosa x 'Hunter'

Compact, Upright, Shrub Rose

Linda Campbell

Rosa rugosa x 'Linda Campbell'

Hybrid Rugosa Shrub Rose

Marie Bugnet

Rosa rugosa x 'Marie Bugnet'

Shrub Rose

Martin Frobisher

Rosa rugosa x 'Martin Frobisher

Upright Shrub Rose

Pink Pavement

Rosa rugosa x 'Pink Pavement'

Hybrid Rugosa Shrub Rose

Purple Pavement

Rosa rugosa x 'Purple Pavement'

Hybrid Rugosa Shrub Rose


Rosa rugosa x 'Robusta'

Shrub Rose

Scarlet Pavement

Rosa rugosa x 'Scarlet Pavement'

Shrub Rose


Rosa rugosa x 'Schneezwerg'

Shrub Rose

Snow Pavement

Rosa rugosa x 'Snow Pavement'

Shrub Rose

Topaz Jewel

Rosa rugosa x 'Topaz Jewel'

Hybrid Rugosa Shrub Rose


Rosa spinosissima var. altaica x 'Butterball'

Tall, Arching Shrub Rose


Rosa spinosissima var. altaica x 'Hazeldean'

Tall Shrub Rose

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