Thank you to the amazing community that supports us and the beauty of the gardens.
Become a partner of the gardens
The gardens benefit from the generosity of our many partners. Without their support, the beauty of the gardens would not be so bright.
Interested in becoming a partner? Email info@bgss.ca expressing your interest and we will get back to you back to you with additional information and opportunities.

Bartlett Tree Experts
Bartlett tree experts provide expertise and soil testing to the BGSS to support our care of the BirthPlace Forest. www.bartlett.com

Six Tree Pruning & Removal
Six Tree Pruning & Removal provides wood chip for our pathways. www.sixtree.ca.

Mountain View Tree Care
Mountain View Tree Care provides wood chip for our pathways. www.mountainviewtreecare.ca.

Alberta Regional Lily Society
The Alberta Regional Lily Society provides expertise, knowledge and Martagon Lily varieties to the BGSS. They support our developing collection with funding. www.arls-lilies.org

The Calgary Rock and Alpine Garden Society grows alpine plants in Calgary's challengeing climate and has a demonstration garden within the Silver Springs Botanical Gardens. www.crags.ca

Calgary Rose Society
The Calgary Rose Society provides expertise, knowledge and rose varieties to the BGSS rose team as they care for the hundreds of rose specimens in the Garden. www.calgaryrosesociety.ca

Silver Springs Community Association
Silver Springs Community Association is a critical partner as we share our community. They have been a major support as we grew to be independant and we continue to work collaboratively providing both a beautiful area in the commnity and a space for community activities. www.silverspringscommunity.ca

Calgary Foundation
Calgary Foundation supports the Gardens through assistance with the financial aspects of the Garden. www.calgaryfoundation.org.

City of Calgary
The Gardens work closely with 11 different City Departments to ensure the gardens look their best. We work especially close with Urban Forestry, Water and Paths and Accessibility. www.calgary.ca
Blue Grass Garden Centre
Blue Grass has been a long time partner supplying compost and providing a discount on many of the plants used in the garden. www.bluegrassnursery.com