Karen Ellard

The Botanical Gardens are truly a treasure to me. I became a volunteer in 2014, and I am excited every day to work with an amazing, dedicated group of fantastic volunteers. I am so proud to be part of this group!
I enjoy testing the boundaries of our Calgary Garden Zone. I love roses and clematis, but I have a real soft spot for Hydrangeas which you will see a lot of on the Lower Wall Garden, as Garden Lead since 2016. I am also the lead for the precious Heart Garden and am co-lead for several other gardens with my good friend Marilyn. In 2019 I joined the Board of Directors as the Garden Leads Liaison. My other favourite role is as Social Activities Coordinator, ensuring our volunteers are rewarded with some fun.
My entire corporate background is with the Westin and Four Seasons Hotels where I worked organizing people for over 30 years! I am a very social person—anyone who knows me knows that. How lucky am I to play in the dirt with these wonderful volunteers!