Jane Aldous

Walking through the Botanical Gardens, occasionally, the Latin name for a plant might pop out of my mouth—absorbed through some kind of osmosis from my late husband Jack, as I am not a gardener. Despite my general lack of gardening skills, learning the culture and language of BGSS has been a pleasure. No matter what diverse perspectives people might have, and we have many, working together in nature re-connects us over and over.
Retiring from a career in mental health, I started on the Board in 2022 with no idea what I could contribute, but BGSS drew out my skills. Since then, from newbie to Board Secretary and Communications Chair, I am helping to ensure the continuation of the BGSS legacy is sustained. I get laughingly teased for insisting on documentation consistency and accuracy, but I guess it’s like planting tiny seeds or tubers, get them in soil so they root well, water, and they are a gift that keeps on giving. I also sense there is more than a metaphorical gardener in me.